How Does Diabetes Affect Your Body

How Does Diabetes Affect Your Body?

Diabetes comes in multiple forms which affect the body in similar yet distinct ways. Recognizing the symptoms early is extremely important, as it can prevent life-threatening complications. Below are some ways in which diabetes affects your body.

Circulatory System

Blood must circulate throughout the human body for it to survive. When a person develops diabetes and fails to properly manage it, high blood pressure can occur. Once this happens, the risk of getting stroke and heart disease is much higher. The most common symptom noticed by those with circulatory problems is issues involving their feet. This is because the blood flow won’t reach the extremities normally which can lead to diabetic ulcers.

Central Nervous System

In extreme cases, diabetes can cause nerve damage. As the damage progresses, diabetics will notice that they are no longer able to feel cold, heat, or pain. This creates a scenario where patients are more susceptible to infection which can require major medical intervention. Furthermore, it can lead to a phenomenon called diabetic retinopathy which adversely afflicts blood vessels within the eyes, damaging one’s vision to the extent that blindness can occur. 

How Does Diabetes Affect Your Body

Digestive And Endocrine Systems

The endocrine system is tasked with releasing and producing hormones within the body. However, diabetics are unable to utilize their pancreas for producing enough insulin, which results in their hormones transforming fat so it becomes energy. This in turn can lead to a toxic chemical imbalance inside their bloodstream that results in diabetic ketoacidosis which can become deadly if not promptly treated. 

Untreated diabetes can also cause kidney damage. This is extremely dangerous because the kidneys will lose their ability to filter out waste which can lead to diabetic nephropathy. To make matters worse, patients often won’t notice anything amiss until the later development stages, which makes it even harder to address.

Integumentary System

The body’s integumentary system consists of the skin, which can also be affected by diabetes. For instance, diabetics might notice that their skin has a higher susceptibility to becoming cracked or dry, which is a consequence of high blood pressure. 

It is not a matter to be taken lightly, as it can lead to multiple skin infections, and while some will try to purchase moisturizer or other skincare products, this can actually backfire as it produces a moist environment that attracts yeast, bacteria, and fungi. This is why diabetics that have skin issues should only purchase lotions that have absorbent properties.

Gestational Diabetes

Female diabetics who become pregnant have a much higher risk of developing gestational diabetes. In particular, expecting mothers could develop either eclampsia or preeclampsia, which is why they and their babies should be monitored at each stage of fetal development. 

Even women who don’t have diabetes should maintain a healthy diet and get their bodies in shape prior to pregnancy, as this will reduce the likelihood of complications while ensuring that the baby is born healthy and free of birth defects. Diabetes affects every area of the body and must be carefully managed to prevent additional health problems.

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