Choosing The Best Foods For Diabetes Control

Choosing The Best Foods For Diabetes Control


By Diane Hwang

Managing your food intake as a diabetic is a full-time job. It requires constantly monitoring your blood sugar levels and checking your glucose and insulin levels.

Most people know that there are two types of diabetes a person can have but are unaware of the important distinctions between them.

  • Type 1 is an inherited autoimmune disease that affects those with a higher risk of genetic diabetes
  • Type 2 is a metabolic disorder caused by weight, genetics, and certain diets

Regardless of which type of diabetes you have, lifestyle changes are needed in order to maximize ongoing diabetes care. Living with diabetes doesn’t mean you need to give up all the foods you love, though. It just means you need to learn how to make healthier choices. In this article, we present you with a diabetes food list with recommendations for foods that can help to stabilize your blood sugar levels.

What Are The Best Foods To Eat If You Are Prediabetic?

Being diagnosed with prediabetes means that you are close to developing Type 2 diabetes, and your doctor has likely advised you to start taking serious steps towards changing your diet. Many people with prediabetes have no overt symptoms, except for really high blood sugar levels. It is a health condition that should be taken seriously because if left untreated, you are at higher risk for developing other, more critical conditions.

For anyone who is diabetic or prediabetic, following these general food guidelines is a great way to start controlling your diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, your diet should include fruits and vegetables, lean protein, foods without added sugar, and no trans fat. You should also be monitoring and limiting your carbohydrate intake because starchy carbs can raise your blood sugar levels.

Pile of leafy vegetables

Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are a very important part of a diabetic’s diet. They are super nutritious, low in calories, and can help manage blood sugar levels. Examples include spinach, kale, broccoli, collard greens, and cauliflower.

Because leafy greens are high in fiber, eating a big serving every day can help to curb your appetite and keep you feeling full for longer. Additionally, they are rich in minerals and omega-3 fatty acids, which can help regulate your blood sugar levels. If you have Type 2 diabetes, you should absolutely incorporate more leafy greens into your diet!

Citrus Fruits and Berries

The glycemic index scale indicates how quickly a food will cause your blood sugar to spike. Referring to this scale before eating anything can be lifesaving. Fruits that are low on the GI scale tend to be citrus fruits and berries, while on the other end of the scale, you have dates and watermelon.

This is not to say you can never enjoy watermelon again, but you should definitely limit your intake. Instead, add more oranges, grapefruits, blueberries, and strawberries to your diet. These you can safely enjoy in larger quantities without worrying about your blood sugar levels!

Like green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits and berries are high in fiber. Eating larger portions of these can help curb your appetite throughout the day, so you’re less likely to reach for unhealthy food options.

Whole Grains

Ditch any foods that are made with white grains like white rice, white bread, and white potatoes. They lack nutrients and can contribute to weight gain, which increases the health risks associated with diabetes.

Instead, choose foods made with whole grains. Some examples of whole grains include brown rice, quinoa, barley, sweet potatoes, and rye. They have higher levels of fiber, which will leave you feeling fuller for longer, and are much more nutrient-dense. They also have less of an impact on blood sugar because of their low score on the glycemic index scale. Overall, choosing whole grains is always a healthier choice.

How Can I Stabilize My Blood Sugar Overnight?

Sugar levels change can drastically overnight, and it can worry people OKRA Pro Starter Kit Bundle Thankfully, you can manage your blood sugar levels through your diet. Two ways you can make sure it remains stabilized overnight are by eating consistently well-balanced meals consistently throughout the day and having a healthy snack before bedtime.

Almonds and walnuts spread out on a plate

What you eat during the day can drastically affect your blood sugar levels at night, so maintaining a healthy diet is the best way to ensure your levels are stabilized while you sleep. There are a few things you can eat to get your blood sugar levels up.

Healthy snack foods that you can eat before bed include a handful of nuts, a hard-boiled egg and non-starchy vegetables like baby carrots or cucumber slices. You should always consult with your doctor about which snack foods are best for your unique needs.

What Foods Help Stabilize Blood Sugar?

Maintaining balanced blood sugar levels is very important for living a healthy life and avoiding long-term health issues. All of the abovementioned foods will help to stabilize your blood sugar levels, but one that hasn’t been mentioned is protein.

Proteins can help prevent post-meal sugar spikes because they are easily digestible by the body. There are good proteins and bad proteins, though. Red meat, like beef or pork, can increase your risk for diabetes. This is because they’re high in fat and can promote insulin resistance.

Stick with leaner meats, like poultry, fish, or shellfish. There are also lots of plant-based proteins that are great options if you’re avoiding meat. These all contain healthy fats that are better for controlling your diabetes.

Eat Well and Stay Healthy

If you have diabetes or prediabetes, you are not alone. According to the CDC, there are an estimated 34 million Americans living with the disease today. The best way to control diabetes is by following the diabetes food list above.

Steer clear of processed foods, white grain foods, and foods that have lots of added sugars. Instead, focus on eating whole foods, like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Overall, eating well and taking care of your body is the best way to manage your blood sugar levels.

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